Rural Development Projects
Educational Projects
Poverty Alleviation Projects
Scholarship Projects
Water Supply & Housing Projects
Foodbank Projects


An Association (NGO) is hereby setup amongst the undersigned persons and who will subsequently become the members thereof.

The above mentioned Association shall be called OROKO CULTURAL ASSOCIATION
NGO abbreviated as OCA NGO. Oroko Berlin-Brandenburge.V.

The fiscal year shall be January I to December 31 each year.


• Solidarity between members

• Projecting Oroko Culture by organising cultural activities such as national conventions, bazaars etc.
• Providing Developmental Aid to the Oroko tribe through funds, material etc acquired from free will donors and other charity organisations.


Unity Peace and Progress

Oroko, English, German


The OCA Berlin Brandenburg e.V is a non political, non religeous and non profit making owing its allegiance to the motto as well as the promotion and exposition of the Oroko culture.




  • lt is open to all Sons and daughters ofthe Oroko in Berlin / Brandenburg and only those married to an Oroko.
  • Must be approved by the members in a general meeting.
  • Must be of good repute
  • Must accept the concept and vision of the organisation.
  • Must display some amount of flexibility and alacrity at anytime the organisation may be called to task.
  • Must be ready to meet up with such financial commitments as may be decided by the board and/or general assembly.
  • The said person must be at least 18 years of age.
  • A member is consîdered active only after three months of registration.



Every duely registered member shall have the right to:

  1. i. To attend all meetings, In case of absence, a tangible reason has to be given.
  2. Speak during general meetings and this should be conducted by raising a finger thereby seeking for audience from the chief whip.
  3. Share personal opinions directed to the association, executive council and every member should be respected, thereby studying and executing the opinion so as to work and promote the Association.
  4. Vote and be voted for.
  5. Own a copy of the Association’s Article.
  6. Use or enjoy all services provided by the organisation following specifically laid down conditions.
  7. Consult all the organisation’s documents at the head office, i.e. reports, registers, Articles of Association, internal regulations, minutes of general meetings etc.
  8. Ask and receive information related to the organisation.Obligations.


  1.  Members are obliged to consult the association and obtain approval before undertaking any engagements on behalf of the association. In other words, members are not allowed to use the name of the organisation without the concern of the association.
  2. Obliged to attend and be prompt at all general meetings, inclined or organized by the association.
  3. Every member is obliged to pay an annual contribution of €60, 00; – to the trouble bank. The payment must not exceed six (6) instalments. Half of the payment must be paid before the middle of the year (June).
  4. Show a sincere and responsible degree of self discipline, thereby showing respect to one another. No Fighting, quarrelling or insults to a brother or sister no matter the situation.
  5. Every member is obliged to attend the general assembly meeting which is due once a month beginning from 6:00pm. Entry after 6:15pm is considered late and is punishable with a fine.


  • A member can freely terminate his / her membership. No refund of payments made through fines, annual contributions, condolence, send-offs, happiness etc will be made upon termination. Any debt owed has to be paid before quiting the association.
  • If a member absence’s from the general assembly three times conservatively without any information, letter of absence to back up a tangible reason, he / she will be dismissed indefinitely from the association.
  • Failure to pay membership dues and the necessary contributions is tantamount
    to dismissal as well.
  • One can be suspended or dismissed from the association if his / her conduct is not appreciated. However, this will or has to be decided by the general assembly. In cases of suspension or resignation and the same person thinks about joining the association again, the general assembly has to vote with a 2/3 majority to accept that person in the association.